The Unbelievable Scripted Reality Show         -- In Development

Synopsis: In the new comedy series The Unbelievable Scripted Reality Show, former child star Luke struggles as an adult to be a successful film producer when he's given an executive producer opportunity for a big studio-backed reality show project, but there's a condition: He has to have a film crew follow and film every moment of his creative process, essentially creating a reality show of him creating a reality show...days before the Hollywood writers and actors strikes begin. 

Casting Call: Click for a list of open Lead and Supporting roles.

Genre: Comedy

Rating: PG-13 for mild language, alcohol and drug use, and college humor.

Based on: Story idea by Luc Robert Poirier.

Runtime: 30 minutes, 10 episodes (projected)

U.S. Release Date: Spring 2026 (projected)

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