Lucsville -- In Development
Synopsis: In the new horror series LUCSVILLE, Sheriff Christopher Marks (Luc Robert Poirier), along with Deputy Mateo Juan (Juan A. Reyes) and Deputy DeMichael Ferlin (Ferlin Ammons), take drastic steps to turn their isolated, crime-riddled community into "America's Safest Town" by any means necessary...and learn just how vicious, pervasive -- and vengeful -- the network of corruption they're interfering with is.
Casting Call: Click for a list of open Lead and Supporting roles.
Genre: Horror
Rating: R for language, graphic horror, and some disturbing images.
Based on: Story idea by Luc Robert Poirier.
Runtime: 30 minutes, 10 episodes (projected)
U.S. Release Date: Fall 2026 (projected)
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